I went penang twice this year.
The first time in 2011 was with my secondary school friends..
It had been a long time since we had our last trip in 2009 to Langkawi.

remember the days I stayed at my course mates' house...
hope to go there again..=)
(steal from my friends photo album..=P)
Finally crossed the penang bridge after 6 hours in the car..~.~
(steal from my friends photo album..=P)

Eventually we reached the restaurant we were looking for...
Craving for lunch after 6 hours travel from KL...@.@

chay kuey teow costs rm8...@.@
the crabs rm78 / kg...
I forgot how much I spent for the lunch..

Geli thing found inside the crab...@.@

Seriously I forgot what we were laughing at..
May be I was too charming..XD
wakakak ~
enjoyable day with them =)

By looking on the advertisement board already know it was CNY...^^

Long queue chendol stall in penang road..
but i will never ever drink chendol here ..
cause not suit my appetite..=P

Love it...=)no wonder penang was crowded during CNY..^^

Dinner in pulau tikus..
never try to eat " lu lu " by sitting on the table..XD

Chew Jetty...

Cute doggy...but it was too "high" when we passed by it's house..XD
I keep screaming and running away from the dog..
I wondered dog like to smell our shoes ?
or I didnt clean my legs on the day..>,<
end up the owner tight the dog up..
it's posture look so nice..XD

Long long queue just to go to the washroom...@.@
this is what we can see during CNY and cause everyone
was rushing back after CNY holiday..@.@
By the time we reached bus terminal in penang-sg nibong..It already 4:30pm.
Then, took bus to sg dua ...
with the Funny but comprehensive directions given by course mates
,finally we reached the house they are staying..
Without hesitating, we were heading to town,
walked around and had our first dinner in penang.=)

I used to try this restaurant at 2008...
I was back after 3 years..^^
The most significant difference between the steamboat in JB
and penang was there is crabs in penang..
Too bad I need to take out all the crabs' internal organ before I ate..
Yuck~~ what a waste for me didnt finish the crab..XD
The second day we went to penang hill...
We were late as I was the one who set the alarm
and I ignored it after the alarm was rang...
Well..really sorry about that ..XD

New cable car service since April 2011..
It can accommodate more people and faster
compare to the cable car services few years ago..
It had pros and cons..
If the cable car is slower, we can enjoy the nice scene..
but the faster cable car make us hardly to look outside the cable car cause..
it is too fast..XD

Nice scene..love it so much..
It made me cant stop to capture such beautiful scenes
and let it stayed inside my memory card..

to go up to the hill even in Public holiday compare to few years back
during weekend.....
It is worth it to wait for one year for the renovation..=)

Love this picture...
I thought I can only take this kind of picture by using DSLR..
it seems that I was wrong..=P

Lovely photos taken with course mates in penang...=)

I tried a nice coconut milk ice cream outside the wat..
Too bad the weather was hot and I was busy with the ice cream
and forgot to take any photo...
After visiting wat chayamangkalaram, hardly for me to pronounce it..XD
We were heading to Gurney Drive even it was drizzling...huhu~

We were trying the "special" rojak and it was the most expensive rojak
which cost us rm22 that I had tried
since last time I went to malacca with my dear ..XD

Prawn noodles cost rm3.50..@.@
I think I can finish it within 5 min...
"oo jian"cost rm6.00...
Pork satay which cost rm0.70 each stick..
Chew jetty..It reminded me one song by ah niu..你是汹涌的海浪...

Last picture taken in their house...^^
Happy Birthday to seed & sheep..
It was being forgotten by us but I still rmb..=P
I can rmb that time really feel helpless cause those who bought the cake together
forgot about the celebration pula..
A rushing birthday celebration ever.
Last pic we taken together in Sakae Sushi, queensbay mall, penang..=)
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