After I knew my fyp topic, I started to search for the details and gone through it.
Everything is printed out but I do not have mood to read it..
I tried to understand it but it really make me fell alseep..
However, I do have mood to read the book entitled the life of woman is all about marriage
that I bought few days ago in bookfest.
Initially I was being attracted by the pink title...
then after I read through the review at the back of the book, I decided to own one.
I started my second relationship 7 months ago, to be frank my first experience really made
me feel scared until now..
Sometimes when I think about it, I will feel : what the heck I was doing that time ? @.@
But the experience made me learnt a lot of things.
I really appreciate what I am having right now.
It is not easy to maintain one relationship.
This book taught us how to look for Mr Right, what criteria to be a mr right.
Everything about marriage.
What the good thing on this book is the author shared the real story
of the clients who consulted him when they were having problem in marriage or relationship.
then, he will write his own opinion on it.
Marriage is not as easy as I think.
I recalled few years back I always dream to find my Mr Right and get married.
Nice & romantic wedding photo shooting, the ceremony where the bridegroom come and
fetch bride back to his house, having dinner in restaurant with all invited relatives and friends,
honeymoon trip...
Everything seems perfect and nice..
Nevertheless, as the time goes by and I experienced many things.
I started to feel it is tougher to have such perfect marriage..
Behind all the scenes, there are a lots of problem or obstacle.
We need to be prepared not only physically but mentality for marriage.
I plan to write summary on the book soon...^_^